Connections with our Sister Schools 

Morley Senior High school provides all students with an opportunity to participate in our cultural exchange program.

This program provides your child with an enriched educational and cultural experience which enhances their self development.  Our program has been operating since 1993, with the first exchange trip to Japan.  Morley has developed sister school exchanges, where our students experience school life within a different culture and stay with host families.

The exchange program has sister schools in the following countries:

China –  No. 2 Middle School Hangzhou, Zheijiang Province

Japan – Akashi SHS, Akashi, Hyogo Prefecture

Northbrooks Secondary School – Singapore, derived from the Yuan Dynasty proverb Yin Shui Si Yuan

We provide our sister schools with the opportunity to take part in Australian school life by attending Morley SHS and staying with their host family.  This has proven to be highly successful, with many friendships lasting across the years with further visits and correspondence between families.

In 2018 Staff and Students travelled to China to visit our Sister School, Hangzhou No.2 High School. Hangzhou No.2 High School is a coeducational public secondary school in Hangzhou, Zhejiang and is an internationally renowned Chinese School.  

In 2019 Staff and Students travelled to Japan to visit our Sister School, Akashi Senior High School. Akashi Senior High school, founded in 1923, is a full-time public senior high school in Hyogo Prefecture.  

In 2024 staff and students travelled to Singapore to visit our Sister School, Northbrooks Secondary School. Northbrooks Secondary School was founded in 2000. The name is derived from a Yuan Dynasty proverb and reminds their school community to remember their roots and be grateful for their families, teachers, friends and countries for the successes they achieve.

Angkor Project – Cambodia – Morley Senior High School has a well-established partnership with Preah Beida Ekreach High School in Cambodia. Morley Senior High School supports the school through its fundraising actives which has allowed the school to purchase water storage tanks, construct a water fountain facility along with providing valuable curriculum materials.  Staff from Morley Senior High School have visited the school, spending time teaching and discussing educational issues with the Cambodian Staff. The Angkor Project focuses on supporting 25 schools and their staff in the Kampong Speu Province, in Cambodia, one of the poorest provinces in one of the poorest nations in Asia, through a Sister School Program (“Children Helping to Rebuild the Schools of Cambodia”), study tours and teacher and principal conferences. The broad goals relate to addressing poverty by enhancing student participation in schooling through improved infrastructure, and the building of the capacity of staff in sister schools and the Kampong Speu Provincial Education Office.